Tuesday 24 January 2012

I'll take an IV of Swiss Chalet Sauce Please...

Mocton Girl was sitting with a group of lovely people at the amazing Swiss Chalet, scarfing down some chicken and ribs when the topic of ordering an embarrassing amount of food came up.. more specifically, how to make it seem like you are NOT ordering a ton of food for yourself.. 

Top 10 Ways to Avoid Looking like a Glutton: 

  1. When getting delivery pizza open the door and yell to your empty apartment: "PIZZA'S HERE" to your crowd of imaginary friends.. 
  2. Go through drive through and make two separate orders
  3. Pretend to not know what name/number takeout order was placed under
  4. Ask bakery for candles for you cake/cupcakes
  5. Call fake friend/spouse to let them know you got all the supplies for the orphan sleepover while in the grocery store line. 
  6. Make a big deal about getting an itemized receipt .. as though your going to reimburse yourself.. 

Ok.. well I only have 6 ways to avoid looking like a glutton.. 
Leave some idea's in the comments and we can fill this list out!

* Moncton Girl

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Back by Popular Demand

Moncton Girl is back in the house!

Believe it or not, I sometimes get lapses in judgement..  Most recently it involved an embarrassing moment and a subway sandwich.. 

I had a sudden spurt of willpower and gave up eating gluten for 30 days not too long ago. It was magical. I was eating what felt like unicorns and magic powder to my sensitive digestive system. Girl was loving life.

Cut to a particularly stressful day... gluten was already back in my system and that unicorn magic feeling quickly transformed to flames, acid and an evil devil cyclopse. Needless to say, I was not feeling my best. 

What does a person do when they already feel like shit? Eat more shit. 
Specifically some gluten goodness in the form of a giant subway sandwich on sweet, sweet, italian herb and cheese bread. 

The amount of havoc those 6 inches caused was not to be ignored... especially not when you are working.. offsite.. at a small company... with one washroom. 

First Lesson of 2012: If the toilet in the only washroom of a small company clogs it will be a big deal to the workers.. who will discuss and speculate at length who caused it.. while you are sitting with co-workers in the next room... dying for everyone to shut up because you might need to pay another visit....

Until next time.. 

*Moncton Girl